A fresh space & a new direction

May 25, 2021
Anna Richards

I’m sitting here, on a beautiful warm Autumn day here in the Gold Coast staring at a blank page. THIS blank page.

A blank white page asking to be written on, for new adventures to be shared and heart’s yearnings to be spilled. 

The thing is though, it’s just so.. poetic.

Poetic because not only does this blank page represent me ‘starting again’ in the writing & blogging world, that is exactly where I am at in my life in general.

I have a blank page to write the rest of my life.

I started blogging / writing back in May 2011 – I pressed ‘publish’ on my first ever blog post on ‘lifesshinyprettythings’ having NO IDEA what I wanted to do, and there not really being any ‘Australian Bloggers’ at the time but trusting my passion for writing.

The post went a little something like this;

Welcome to Life’s Shiny Pretty Things! 

I had decided awhile ago I wanted to start a blog to share with people a part of my life & things that I love most. Although I am certainly not terribly interesting or much of anything else I do feel blessed with the life I lead so hope some of my stories, opinions and experiences are as fun for you to read as they have been to live. The blog name came about from being an eternal optimistic & truly believing life is a beautiful gift that I’ll be eternally grateful for, I also wanted a space where I could go to & share with others what catches my eye & inspiration - So enjoy reading about all my lifes..shiny, pretty things xx

I wrote in that space every single week without fail until June 2014, when I did a full re-brand on life and created a new site of annaandmorgan.com.

I had BIG plans to continue my passion and zest for writing in that space, but sadly, I just simply never did. I don’t know if I just got too busy (urgh), or that I was never inspired to go ‘into’ that space (possible), or that my writing simply needed to take a good many few years ‘off’, but for whatever reason, it ceased to exist, other than maybe a few posts a year when I did feel inspired.

But I have had a big life change in the last 2 months in my life.

If you follow me on Instagram – which MANY if not most of you that will come into this space to read these words will, I separated from my (still amazing) husband Morgan.

We had been together for 15 incredible years, and he was (& will always be) the best part OF those 15 years with memories that will last my lifetime. We crammed more into our 15 years together than most truly do IN a lifetime, and I will forever look back on that relationship & marriage with love.

But something happened almost the very next day when we sat together & ‘called it’.

I woke up, and wrote.

And the next day, I woke up and wrote again. And again and again and again.

I found my medicine again in my writing. I uncovered my deepest truths in my words. I allowed my soul to feel and grieve and heal as I woke up and cried every morning for 6 weeks, and wrote.

And so, with organic passion and accidental purpose, I found my love of writing again.

Which leads you here now.

So, hello beautiful one. And welcome into my world of words I am truly nervous but excited to welcome you into and share with you.

The last 2 months have been exhausting but exhilarating, terrifying but .. expansive.

And as I continue to navigate this new world and this new life – I want to document it. I want to sit down as often as I feel called (but it will absolutely be weekly) and just write again.

Not try to think of clever blog articles, or on trend whatever’s, but just simply ..write.

Another reason I wanted to have this space for me again is because I ALWAYS want to write more in my IG posts, I always have so much more on every single photo & post to say, but that 2,200 character limit kills me every time.

So this will become my space I can share my extended IG posts – take THAT Instagram!

That is what it was like for me in the beginning of my writing life though.

Lifeshinyprettythings became like an online diary for me. And although there were bloggy trendy things sprinkled throughout – like ‘how to style a bar cart’ (cuteeee) it ultimately just became a catalogue of my lifes experiences & memories & adventures at the time.

And that is what this space is going to become for me again.

This space is really for me. Writing IS my medicine. Writing is one of my greatest passions. I am simply inviting you back into it.

So here we go.

A blank page that’s now filled with the first post back,

I have no idea where this new space of the internet will take me, but I know it’s going to contain I have no doubt humour, heartbreak, cheekiness, love & everything in between as I navigate this world as a single 33 year old woman and you get to come along for the ride.

All my love,


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